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Dos Desmaquillador Paño Mágico - Fundación Toallitas de su cara y el rimel a prueba de agua de los ojos sensibles – Simplemente usando agua – reutilizable – Funciona mejor que un solo uso de ratón y Toallitas !

Makeup Remover Magic Cloths for Removing Makeup

Instantly and Gently Remove Makeup With Only Water

Are you seeking a more natural way to remove your make-up each day?
Are you spending large amounts on makeup remover towelettes?
Does your current method of makeup removal do more harm than good to your skin?
Would you like a make-up removal method that’s safer for you AND the environment?

Then Makeup Remover Magic Cloths are the answer!

Eliminate using oils and unnatural chemicals and achieve 100% makeup removal


(as of 02/03/2019 at 15:03 UTC)

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